So I have been pretty busy around here and have not been to the libary but thanks to Angie for letting me use her laptop to upload photos. We have been doing cpr, first aid, boat training,leave no trace, bear training and all that good stuff so that's done with. Also my name was picked out of a hat to go to Kake a town on the island near by to here to go on a float plane to volunteer at the kid's fishing contest. I think we are staying two days and its around June 15th. I also get to dress up as Sammy the Salmon!. I think it will be awesome to one be on a float plane , help out and see Kake.
Also about two weeks ago I tried to hike Raven's Roost which is about a 5 mile hike raising 2,000 feet and the last mile is on snow. I had to stop because it kicked my ass and my legs were just giving out on me. So I told myself by the end of the summer I was to make it to the top. However, this weekend I made it to the top with an even bigger pack this time since we stayed over night at the top of the mountain. The snow part was really hard because it was about 8 feet of snow and you could walk on top but every 10 steps the snow would be up to my knee and it was just really tiring. My pack I would say was about 30 lbs too since i had my sleeping bag, food sleeping pad, clothes ect for the night. So I am pretty proud of myself for doing it. This week we are going up to the mountain Tue, wed and Thur for day trips to finish up on camp and begin trail work. I have been put in charge of the toilet for camp which is simply a big blue drum and a toilet seat on top. But its about 5 feet off the ground in order for the blue tub to fit underneath so i need to build steps leading up to it. We have a really nice view for when we need to relive ourselves, but right now its a little front heavy and needs to be nailed down or something. I will take a pic when I have the finished product. Everyone is here except for one person and we will have a total of 13 on the crew. Our hitches start June 9th and we have started to make our grocery list. We end up getting $28 per a person per a day so its a lot of money we are just pooling together. I think thats about it, this weekends trip is to 3 lakes about 20 miles out of town. Cara and I will hitch hike and then camp and hike their. People went last weekend and saw a Mosse so maybe I ill get lucky. I also want to go camp at Petersburg Lake which is a 20 miles hike round trip but we will need a ride acrosse the river and one back to do that. Also the La Cont glacier is on my list and hitch hiking around Mitkof island.
Also about two weeks ago I tried to hike Raven's Roost which is about a 5 mile hike raising 2,000 feet and the last mile is on snow. I had to stop because it kicked my ass and my legs were just giving out on me. So I told myself by the end of the summer I was to make it to the top. However, this weekend I made it to the top with an even bigger pack this time since we stayed over night at the top of the mountain. The snow part was really hard because it was about 8 feet of snow and you could walk on top but every 10 steps the snow would be up to my knee and it was just really tiring. My pack I would say was about 30 lbs too since i had my sleeping bag, food sleeping pad, clothes ect for the night. So I am pretty proud of myself for doing it. This week we are going up to the mountain Tue, wed and Thur for day trips to finish up on camp and begin trail work. I have been put in charge of the toilet for camp which is simply a big blue drum and a toilet seat on top. But its about 5 feet off the ground in order for the blue tub to fit underneath so i need to build steps leading up to it. We have a really nice view for when we need to relive ourselves, but right now its a little front heavy and needs to be nailed down or something. I will take a pic when I have the finished product. Everyone is here except for one person and we will have a total of 13 on the crew. Our hitches start June 9th and we have started to make our grocery list. We end up getting $28 per a person per a day so its a lot of money we are just pooling together. I think thats about it, this weekends trip is to 3 lakes about 20 miles out of town. Cara and I will hitch hike and then camp and hike their. People went last weekend and saw a Mosse so maybe I ill get lucky. I also want to go camp at Petersburg Lake which is a 20 miles hike round trip but we will need a ride acrosse the river and one back to do that. Also the La Cont glacier is on my list and hitch hiking around Mitkof island.
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