Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Week two

So I have 7 minuets left until the computer kicks me off at the library so I will see how fast I can type. Week one was good. Monday was the holiday, Tuesday We moved plank, a ton of plank enough for 5 people to move and take 9 hours to finish. Then the rest of the week was cainsaw training. We watched videos, and power points and learned how to take apart and put back together a saw, then Thursday and Friday we were out in the field. We bucked, limbed and fell trees. I did not get to my falling yet since my 45 degree face cut is not to great yet but stumps better watch out becuase if i see a tree stump I will be practicing. So for now I have my A and hopefully by the end of the summer I can re test and get my B in chainsaw and falling. This week was my first week on the cabin crew we are getting gear ready for our Swan lake trip this Thurday. I think their is about 6 feet of snow left at that cabin and the highlight of the week will be the helicopter ride into the cabin!!!!! Okay have to sign off but more to come

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