I just bought my very first fishing license today...$145 and if I wanted the king slamon stamp it would have been another $100, but I figured this way when I get off work for the day out at the cabins I can walk down to the lake and fish. So Monday we flew out to Petersburg Lake by float plane. Its a wilderness area so you cant use power tools so I learned how to do everything the old fashin way which is very time consumming. So Tuesday we woke up made some coffee ate breakfast packed our lunches and we started to hike the trail. The trail is 10 miles long but the we needed to hike to the wilderness boundry which was only 6 miles from the cabin. So with our packs and tools we hiked the 6 miles and then took lunch. After lunch we started to hike back while working. We were brushing and logging out the trail. So day one we got maybe about one mile done and we stashed the tools for the next day. Wednesday we got the rest of the trail logged out and brushed and I twisted my ankle in the morning. So I got to hike 10 miles on it and by the end of the day it was swollen and a little bit brused. Thursday we stayed around the cabin fell a tree with the crosscut and split and stacked fire wood. Friday the plane came around 11am to get us.
For Monday I will be flying out to Kah Sheets bay in the morning and then getting picked up that afternoon ( 2 of us are going ) and then Tuesday we will all go by boat to the lower cabin (Kah Sheets Lake) to bring in fire wood and I think we are spending one or two nights. You can look up the cabins on the link posted in the blog post titled going out west So here are some photos so far...
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