Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today we headed out to West Point cabin and Portage Bay Cabin. We cleaned the windows, swept, dealt with the poo in the outhouse which yes was very smelly, took the brusher and cut back the grass along the path and filled the wood shed. Heading out of town about 20 minuets into the boat ride I saw my first hump back whale and on the way home we saw another one. Also at one of the cabins someone had killed a bear and skinned it and took the meat but left two paws so that was kinda cool and gross to see since it was still on the fresher side. I am also learning a lot about boats and how to tie knots I now have the clove hitch down.
So tonight I will pack and get ready for the over night and ride into Swan Lake. It should be pretty cold still and lots of snow. Also I have come to realize that I can NOT row a row boat for the life of me. We anchor the big boat in the water and then row to the beach with our supplies and ourselves and for some reason the waves, current or wind gets the best of me and I am no where near the boat. Today Jeff Taped the whole thing on his camera so if I get a hold of it I will show you guys because its pretty comical. Also I can now officially drive stick shift, I made it to town today without stalling once!

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